this is the first of hopefully a few posts on scientists who are also accomplished artists. gregory s. paul is a paleontologist and dinosaur illustrator extraordinaire. his book predatory dinosaurs of the world is a fave since i was like eleven.

permian swamp life comes alive!

i hadn't seen anyone try to draw a dinosaur's muscles before.

a sampling of dinos in various mesozoic climates from portland-esque, to frozen, and then to really very hot (that velociraptor is panting in case you couldn't tell). the point being that dinosaurs were warm-blooded. i love the carnage in the background on that bottom one. also note the velociraptor's feathers, something that was still fairly controversial in '88 and are all over the place in Paul's artwork.

i'm hoping to get my hands on paul's other dino book. his wikipedia page says he's got another in the works too. can't wait.