dougal dixon's book man after man had a profound effect on me the first time i looked through it. i was probably about 13 and was killing time at the southdale library and picked it up off a cart of books to be reshelved. it really blew my mind--what bizarre and wonderful illustrations! but stupidly, i paid no attention to the author or the title and never saw the book again until late last year. thanks to sean's sleuthing, a used copy found its way into my possession, and what a great reunion it's been! some scans:

Those big blobby multi-armed fuckers be creepin' yo.
If you think this is freaky, check his other two books!
Holy Mother of Jesus.
Thank you so much for uploading these. Dixon also wrote a book called After Man, about evolution of animals, and even had an art exhibition where they mocked up animatronic models of his creations. I saw a video about it when I was a wee young'un, and the images have haunted my brain ever since.
On a nostalgic bender, I found some of the images and came across your blog. Isn't the Internet an awesome place?
This is the thing that stuck in my mind:
In any case, I'll totally be picking up that book.
Also...I guess some Russian site has the whole book posted, in case anyone else is interested:
I have almost the same story cept I saw it in a bookstore. It scared the crap outta me cuz I thought it was a straight-up scientific text: they'd run some tests and determined with absolute certainty that we were gonna evolve into these things. Eek!
And I thought humans couldn’t get any uglier!
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